The story revolves around Yukami Makoto, a high school boy whose hobby is visiting hot springs. His 100th hot spring visit is at Miyama-kan, an inn run by four poster girls: Tokura, Akino, Tsutsuji and Mitomo. There, Makoto spies Yuri, a goddess of the hot springs, and unexpectedly usurps her powers. Makoto ends up working at the inn.
AnimeSuge is a great site to watch anime Yumekuri, SUB online. You can also watch Yumekuri in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story revolves around Yukami Makoto, a high school boy whose hobby is visiting hot springs. His 100th hot spring visit is at Miyama-kan, an inn run by four poster girls: Tokura, Akino, Tsutsuji and Mitomo. There, Makoto spies Yuri, a goddess of the hot springs, and unexpectedly usurps her powers. Makoto ends up working at the inn.
Other names: ゆめくり
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 1 / 1
Views: 665
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2012
AnimeSuge is a great site to watch anime Yumekuri, SUB online. You can also watch Yumekuri in HD or SD quality.